Monday, March 21, 2011

Alright Meg Lets Look At That

San Andrés y Sauces, the need for change comes to

Adjusted municipal explanation of reality in La Voz de La Palma.

La Voz de La Palma in the last week recounted clearly the reality of San Andrés y Sauces and urgent and beyond doubt, to generate a momentum for change in the municipality, as we are told , is the second most populous municipality canary has lost in the last decade and is the only municipality in the archipiálago will lose two representatives to municipal full for the next legislature.

An accurate view of the article and that will undoubtedly recognize many of the population, while those who govern us seem to not be detected under the controversial statements Dávila few weeks ago saying that San Andrés y Sauces doing well and has not lost significance on the island ( ).

In this interesting article claims that "the electoral programs in recent years have grown from authentic documents relating to misleading advertising pamphlets" and believes "it would that have opted for less asphalt, less bridge, less street and more development projects for a general development plan and policies for employment outside the favoritism and cronyism. "

He concludes that" 2011 is a year for change, and change what you need San Andrés y Sauces "

can read this interesting and revealing article in:


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